The Cambridge Candle

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Feature: Click here to find out how to contact your Cambridge City Councillors!

Issue 2 of The Cambridge Candle™ is here! Look for it in your neighborhood! Ask for it in your local stores! To see it online, click here.

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Dear Readers,

We want to hear from you! In fact, a main goal for The Cambridge Candle™ is to provide a forum for Cambridge residents to share their thoughts and plans. Please tell us what you think about issues of concern in Cambridge. Write us, send us email, or leave a phone message and let us know what you want us to cover in the paper.

In future issues we hope to increase discussion of the changes occurring in Cambridge. We plan to cover development proposals and their impact, zoning changes, affordability of homes and apartments, and votes in the City Council that influence the overall environment of Cambridge.

We welcome articles, personal recollections, poetry, and other expressions of the Cambridge experience. Please join the discussion! Help us spread the light of truth throughout Cambridge.



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Cambridge Newsgroup, Inc. • PO Box 391109 • Cambridge MA • 02139


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