The Cambridge Candle


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The Cambridge Candle™ is
published by:
Cambridge Newsgroup, Inc. • PO Box 391109 • Cambridge MA • 02139


The Cambridge Candle
strives to be a paper for everyone in Cambridge. We hope to provide a way for people throughout the city to reach out and communicate with others.

Unlike other papers, we do not rely on paid reporters and writers. Instead, we rely on you -- our readers. We welcome your articles, your stories, your poems, your artwork, and your ideas.

To send us your work and ideas:

Through the mail

Send to: The Cambridge Candle, PO Box 391109, Cambridge MA 02139.

Please include your name, along with some way to get in touch with you (phone, address, etc.) Please do not send materials that you need to have returned.

Tip: We appreciate receiving materials in electronic formats -- such as diskettes -- though paper is fine, too.

In email

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Please note that The Cambridge Candle operates on a volunteer basis. We do not pay for articles, stories, artwork, or any other materials submitted for publication. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a message at 491-2520.

Thank you for submitting your work to The Cambridge Candle.

Please note that The Cambridge Candle is an inclusive paper. In each issue, we attempt to publish work from as many different people as possible. Sometimes, though, it is not possible for us to include everything we receive. We cannot guarantee that your work will be published due to space limitations, the publication date, and various other factors.

If we determine that edits to your work are desired and/or necessary, we will contact you for your input and final approval.

Neither Cambridge Newsgroup, Inc., nor The Cambridge Candle, is responsible for any errors, omissions, or other problems associated with works that we receive and/or publish. The views expressed in each publication are those of the contributors, and not necessarily those of Cambridge Newsgroup, Inc.


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